14 May Wheelie Machine Insurance
There is a new fad throughout the country where individuals can experience riding a real life wheelie. For those that don’t know what I’m talking about you probably haven’t seen a wheelie machine. A wheelie machine is a real motorcycle where an individual can experience riding a wheelie in a controlled environment. The benefit of this amusement device is that you can control the bike and do your own stunts. It can bring entertainment and excitement to anyone that loves motorcycles. If you are a business owner and you are looking to purchase a wheelie machine make sure you have liability insurance. Many insurance carriers will decline risks like these because of the high chance of claims.
At Evolution Insurance Brokers we offer wheelie machine insurance to all types of companies. Let us find the right type of policy for your wheelie machine operations. Don’t settle for no when looking for liability insurance gives us a call and we will get you covered. We are a specialized insurance carrier that will cover just about anything including wheelie machines. Most owner operators will take there wheelie machines to events, parties, and car shows. When I was growing up I always wanted to own a motorcycle but I was worried about crashing. When you get on a wheelie machine you are trying out an actual motorcycle without the skill of driving. The operator controls the front wheel of the motorcycle which helps prevent the rider from falling off. If you are an operator and you have had unfortunate situations that have caused no insurance coverage don’t worry. No matter what situation you have been in we will find a way to offer wheelie machine insurance. Please give me a call directly and let us work for you.
Thank you