
Two Benefits of General Liability Coverage for Freight Handlers

The freight industry is becoming more and more specialized, and that can mean good news if your company has a clear business plan for its specific portion of the supply chain. If your company is securing its place in the warehouse and freight handling industry, not only is it a solid portion of the industry that will be needed regardless of technological transformations. General liability coverage for freight handlers lowers the risks and liabilities your employees (and your business through them) can face.

How does specialization protect your company?

  • You can focus your insurance coverage on the potential liabilities your employees face. Freight handlers, or lumpers, set a clear division of where freight is in the supply chain. Once the cargo is in a freight handler’s hands, it’s no longer in transport or subject to that insurance coverage, and the same is true when the cargo is on its way out of a warehouse. This clarity can save companies thousands in lost time and effort in the event of damages or claims.
  • General liability coverage makes your company more reputable. When companies are looking for people to handle their cargo, no matter what branch of logistics, they look for insurance coverage as a sign of legitimacy. Not only do they know your company is covered in the event of damaged goods, it’s also a requirement they may have to answer to when accepting contracts from the government of large corporations.

As more and more third-party companies handle different portions of freight’s journey, having the right coverage (but only the coverage you need) not only gives you more time to grow your business, it can make your company a candidate for a short-list of trusted handlers. Go to Evolution Insurance Brokers to get started to make sure your business can provide liability coverage for freight handlers.

Rick J. Lindsey
Rick Lindsey

President, CEO and Chairman