
Hospice Care General Liability Insurance

Hospice care is the final bit of care we all have until we pass to the great unknown. These facilities dot the country and serve mostly senior citizens or those with terminal illnesses. Of course, because they are associated with death, they are an extremely risky place to insure. Most of the patients that visit these facilities will pass on, but families may not understand the likelihood and may be likely to sue. For that reason, it is extremely difficult to insure these facilities.

Hospice care insurance relies on several factors. First of all, the quality of the facility itself. The age, conditions, maintenance and upkeep of the property must be evaluated to help determine the likelihood of danger.

Secondly, the quality of the care makes a huge difference to the legal liability. Not only do doctors, nurses and other personnel have to be appropriately qualified, they also have a good bedside manner. These interpersonal relationships have a way of reducing lawsuits, easing the pain of patients and their families. For that reason, they are very important in hospice care.

Insurers may also want to evaluate the financial condition of the facility. Obviously, someone that passes may not be able to pay back all the services they used during their care. For that reason, the insurance, payment plans and methods are critical to determining if the facility is viable. That will help determine if it can make investments into the facility and pay qualified professionals to keep it safe.

Evolution Insurance Brokers is a leading specialty insurer. The firm is capable of helping to identify and underwrite insurance for hospice facilities. For more information, please contact us.

Rick J. Lindsey
Rick Lindsey

President, CEO and Chairman