E Cigarette Insurance

This newest trend of smoking that seems to be helping people with their health is causing a stir in the insurance world.  E cigarette insurance is something that is pretty hard to come by these days.  As time goes on it continues to become more difficult.  One of the biggest concerns with the insurance is the manufacturer for these products.  If the products are made in different countries, it can become very difficult to get insurance on these products.  Another big concern that is being seen out there is the solution that is mixed for the e cigarette.  There have been a few claims because the solution has been too potent and caused some damage to the user.

As this trend continues in the e cigarette world, it can be increasing difficult for these companies to find insurance.  How can a company that is new and just starting find insurance get insured? Most of the time most insurance companies want to see a proven track record to provide insurance.  These companies need somebody that is willing to offer coverage in these circumstances.  Another big issue with this type of insurance is how the claims are handled.  You want a company that is going to stand behind you and take care of your company when a claim is filed.  Claims are a big part of the process for e cigarette companies, and you want to have somebody that is willing to stand in your corner.

We here at Evolution Insurance Brokers are willing to provide insurance for any e cigarette company here in the US.  We will offer coverage to you no matter your claims history, insurance history, or any other reason that you may have been denied coverage in the past.  We have a partnership approach and want to be a good partner in your business.  We will fight claims for you, and make sure that you are taken care of in whatever way we are able.  You will want somebody that knows how to handle product liability lawsuits and will have your back, we can do just this for you.

If you are having trouble finding insurance, or just want to look at a quote, give me a call and I can definitely provide a quote for you.  I can usually have a quote for you with in 24 hours.  Let me help you make finding e cigarette insurance easy for you.  Let me know if I can help.


Top 10 Benefits And Advantages To Quitting Smoking With An Electronic Cigarette
Rick J. Lindsey
Rick Lindsey

President, CEO and Chairman