Officers Liability Insurance provides financial protection for the directors and officers of business & operations in the event they are sued in conjunction with the performance of their duties as they relate to the company. Directors and Officers Insurance is often confused with Professional Liability Insurance....

This newest trend of smoking that seems to be helping people with their health is causing a stir in the insurance world.  E cigarette insurance is something that is pretty hard to come by these days.  As time goes on it continues to become more difficult. ...

In the world of insuring commercial auto it can be quite a diverse area. There are all types of auto coverages coming to light these days. Drive other car insurance has become something that is very difficult to find. Whether you are a third party...

When you hear the word Drone what do you think of? The first thing that comes to mind is an airplane device used to locate certain things or activities. I’m sure we are all familiar of what a drone is and how it can be...

Evolution Insurance Brokers and Prime Insurance Company are hosting an educational conference on Thursday, January 22nd at the Red Lion Hotel in Salt Lake City, UT, from 11:00-3:30 p.m.  This conference will educate, empower and instruct you about risk management practices. Call Catherine Nagel at 801.304.3771 for...

Important Information for owners and caretakers of exotic and domestic animals. On January 1, 2014, the State of Ohio passed a law regarding exotic animal ownership.  In Summary, it states: Summary of Law: It is unlawful to possess a dangerous wild animal after Jan. 1, 2014. Persons...

If you own an exotic animal chances are your homeowners insurer doesn't cover it and in some cases won’t provide coverage, to find out if coverage applies under your current insurance read the actual policy. We can provide coverage for any type of pet, to...