artisan specialty contractors

Artisan Specialty Contractors: Our Services

When considering if you need liability insurance or not, you’re already answered your question. That’s because if you think you might need liability insurance, you likely do. If you’re running a business without liability insurance, you can face a wide range of issues in the future that could sink your business and leave your bank account empty. Thankfully, Evolution Insurance Brokers is here to help you understand your risks, help prevent them, and reimburse your claims honestly and fairly. Here are a few ways in which the Artisan Specialty Contractors at Evolution Brokers Insurance can support you, and if you’d like to visit our website to learn more about us, please do so at

  • With an established history of over 30 years and a commitment to customer service, EIB is at the forefront of liability insurance. We’re here to keep your business and its assets safe in time of need.
  • As your trusted partner, we will provide you with the legal defense your skilled contractor business needs and we’ll cover any damages you face up to your coverage limit.
  • With no minimum premium requirements, we are ready to give you a quote with 48 hours, though expedited quote requests are honored as well.
  • More than just insurance brokers, we’re here to help you every step of the way. If you ever have any questions about the application process, coverage, or what it means to have liability insurance, we’ll gladly talk your call to guide you along.

If you have any further questions regarding our artisan specialty contractors or liability insurance for your business, please contact us today and we’ll be happy to discuss it with you further.

Rick J. Lindsey
Rick Lindsey

President, CEO and Chairman