Assault and Battery Insurance Assault and Battery insurance is becoming more of a necessity for certain types of business. Many individuals that are getting into the security guard business are looking for assault and battery coverage. Assault and battery insurance protects the security guard from vigorous claims...

Dog Bite History - When other insurance carriers deny coverage because of your dog's past bite history, we take into consideration all the facts and characteristics of the breed.  We customize a policy that matches the unique personality of your dog as well as how the...

Like humans, dogs come with all sorts of unique characteristics.  That's why we love our dogs so much.  Sometimes their playfulness, energy and excitement turns into a bit of a problem though and the truth is that if your dog bites someone it can become a liability...

When traditional insurance companies deny coverage because of your pet's history we take into consideration the individual characteristics and customize coverage that matches the unique personalty of your dog.  Our risk management approach will make sure the risks and liability issues are planned for to...

The last decade has seen a rapid increase in exotic pet ownership in the United States. Along with the increase in popularity of exotic pet ownership, comes an increase in attack or escape incidents. Since 1990, there have been over 1,000 reported incidents involving exotic...